Meet Dhwani Lall, a seasoned fashion industry professional whose journey began with a design diploma from SNDT Women’s University. She cultivated her expertise at a fashion export house and worked as a designer with the renowned Indian menswear designer Arjun Khanna.
At the age of 20, Dhwani established her eponymous label, "Dhwani," specializing in Indo-Western and traditional wedding wear for women. After eight successful years, she transitioned to redesigning school uniforms for Universal Education's group of schools, impacting over 20,000 students across five cities.
Despite juggling family responsibilities and her son's upbringing, Dhwani's passion for her own clothing brand persisted. Enrolling in the Executive Education MBA Program at the London College of Fashion, she acquired essential skills in strategy, branding, marketing, and understanding consumer psychology. In 2023, armed with this knowledge, Dhwani triumphantly returned to the fashion scene by launching "Neither Nor."
This brand is inspired by the profound concept of transcending duality, with a mission to empower women by encouraging them to embrace their entire personalities, fostering comfort, confidence, and authenticity. "Neither Nor" challenges conventional binary thinking, offering comfortable, stylish, and distinctive clothing for women of all ages and sizes, celebrating the multifaceted nature of womanhood and inspiring confidence in every aspect of life.